Wednesday, February 13, 2013

English Assesment

Where did Santiago go, after leaving the crystal shop?
Santiago leave the crystal shop, and then buy his old sheep from the money he got from working at the crystal shop. After that Santiago traveled the desert with the caravan. To get treasure and to see the pyramids.

What is Santiago's experience on the desert, what did he achieved?
Santiago faced many dangers, on the desert, like the tribal wars. And when the sand is too soft, so that the camel drivers has to go down and lead their camels. and many other dangers. He also learned that world is written by the same hand.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Ceria Fiksi Dialog 200 Kata

Kehidupan di Afrika
Pada suatu hari ada anak yang bernama Henry dia anaknya agak cerewet dan kadang-kadang tidak bisa diam, dia sangat suka dengan binatang gorilla dan lagu gorilla dari Bruno mars. Di usianya yang ke 12 tahun dia dan orangtuanya pindah ke afrika karena pekerjaan ayahnya.
Henry: “Wah Afrika panas sekali!”
Ibu Henry: “Kita akan tinggal di sini selama 3 tahun”
Ayah Henry: “Iya”
Ibu Henry: “Ya sudah, ayo kita ke rumah baru kita!”
Lalu mereka pergi naik taksi ke rumah baru mereka yang ada di afrika. Sesampai di rumah mereka merapikan semuanya, dan pergi ke kebun binatang untuk menghibur Henry yang rindu tempat tinggal nya. Disana dia duduk-duduk di dekat kandang gorilla karena Henry sangat terobsesi dengan gorilla. Dia meliha-lihat gorilla nya terus, lalu ia mengambil kertas dari tasnya dan menggambar gorilla itu untuk mengenangnya. Tiba-tiba ibunya Henry teriak.
Ibu Henry: “ Henry ayo pulang!”
Henry: “Iya,sebentar aku mau minum dulu!”
Sesampainya di rumah Henry tidur, keeseokan harinya ia pergi ke sekolah barunya, yang bernama SA (Sekolah Afrika). Henry tidak tahu bahwa sekolah di afrika masuknya jam 7, dia sampai di SA jam 8, akhirnya dia telat. Dia dimarahi dengan gurunya dan kembali belajar. Di saat istirahat dia bertemu dengan seseorang yang bernama Prima, dia anaknya sangat baik dan suka berteman. Mereka berdua dengan cepat menjadi sahabat.
Prima: “Kamu datang dari mana?”
Henry: “Amerika,New York”
Prima: “Paman ku juga dari New York!!”
Henry: “Berarti kamu juga ada keturunan Amerika dong!”
Prima: “Iya!”
Henry: “Kamu mau main di rumahku tidak?”
Prima: “Boleh!
Akhirnya selesai pulang sekolah mereka pergi ke rumah Henry.
Setelah main di rumah Henry sampai malam, Prima pulang, dan Henry pergi tidur

Setelah  3 tahun berlangsung Henry dan keluarganya meninggalkan Afrika dan kembali ke Amerika.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Esai Persuasif

Tulisan Persuasif adalah tulisan yang berisi ajakan. Paragraf persuasif bertujuan
untuk membujuk secara halus atau meminta seseorang untuk melakukan
sesuatu yang dikehendaki oleh sang penulis.

Paragraf persuasif memiliki kata yang bermakna untuk mengajak,
seperti Ayo/Mari.
Contoh: Sang penulis membujuk sang pembaca untuk memilihnya
menjadi ketua Osis.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months?


The final bell rings. It’s the last day of school, and summer has finally come! Students don’t have to think about school for at least another 2 1/2 months. That is the way it should always be. Schools should continue using the traditional calendar and not a year-round schedule. There are numerous downsides to year-round schooling. It has no positive effects on education, it adds to costs, and it disrupts the long-awaited summer vacation.
Contrary to the well-accepted belief, year-round schooling has no constructive impact on education. Most year-round schedules use the 45-15 method: 45 days of school followed by 15 days off. Because of this, there are many first and last days of school. All those transitions disrupt the learning process. Also, there is no evidence of higher test scores. Due to that, many schools that change to year-round schedules end up switching back. For example, since 1980, 95 percent of schools that tried the year-round schedule changed back to a traditional calendar. It is obvious that changing to year-round schooling does not help students; therefore, why is the change necessary?
Like any other facility, keeping a school open requires a great deal of money. When a school changes to a year-round schedule, the costs skyrocket. Keeping school open in the middle of summer requires air conditioning, and that adds significantly to the school’s expenses. The usual utility bills grow because of the additional open-school time. Finally, teachers must be paid for all the weeks they are working. With all these factors, the cost of keeping schools open becomes immensely high. For example, a high school in Arizona had a cost increase of $157,000 when they switched to year-round schooling. Some schools may not be able to handle such increases, and other schools that can handle these expenses could be doing better things with the money. Is year-round school really where the money should go?

An important part of a child’s life is summertime. With year-round schedules, students would hardly have any time to relax. During the 15-day breaks, they would be thinking about their quick return to school. It would also be difficult to coordinate family vacations with parents’ work schedules. Similarly, children would not be able to go to most summer camps. One expert, Dr. Peter Scales, says, “The biggest plus of camp is that camps help young people discover and explore their talents, interests, and values. Most schools don’t satisfy all these needs. Kids who have these kinds of [camp] experiences end up being healthier and have fewer problems.” Obviously, the summer is crucial to a child’s learning and development. Why should this invaluable part of a young person’s life be taken away?

It is evident that year-round schooling is not the best option for the school calendar. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional school year. Why change something that works so well? The final bell rings. Let’s make sure this bell means that the “real” summer vacation has come.

Who is the audience of the essay?
 The audiences in this essay is someone who is searching some stuff for their kids in the internet, and came across this.

What is the purpose of the essay?
The Purpose of the essay is to make kids have their repective long hollidays

What did the writer explain in the essay?
The writer dont't wants the summer vacation to be shorten, and wants kids to have a long vacation in summer

What is the essay persuading the audience to do?
To make summer 2 1/2 months, the writter doesn't want to change summer vacation.

What are the persuasive words used in the essay? 
Best, Most, Should, Always,